The case for jewelry as heirloom
Why invest in quality jewelry? Unlike designer bags, shoes and clothes, which are subject to the whims of fashion, and can look old, or terribly worn, expertly-crafted jewelry can be passed down to generations without ever going out of style. Precious pieces can be restored, stones reset. But nothing evokes nostalgia, emotions, or sentiment like jewelry: grandma’s engagement ring; mom’s push present when she had me; dad’s watch he received as a graduation present from his grandparents.
We personally LOVE jewelry. Our grandmother loved her heavy gold bracelets. Our mom delights in all her diamond jewelry. Not only do we truly enjoy wearing jewelry, but we also cherish the memories that all our pieces hold for us.
We revel in our memories of our grandmother wearing specific pieces. She always wore her 1.50 carat diamond stud earrings. I would always notice them when she coiffed her hair into a bun. She would spray her hair in place and accidentally spray her earrings which created a foggy film on the diamonds. She always commented how she would forget to take them off before spraying and had to clean them. Once cleaned, she would look so elegant with her perfect black hair in a bun and sparkly diamond studs.
Our mom has also been wearing jewelry all her life. Of course she receives a new piece on each birthday, anniversary, Christmas and Mother’s Day. (We can’t help it!) One piece that brings back memories is her pearl ring that she made for Rina’s wedding. On Rina’s 25th wedding anniversary, she presented it to her with the hope that she would pass it on to her daughter Andrea one day.
For the birth of our older daughter Alique (June baby), my husband gave me a pair of 13 mm south sea pearl studs and a matching south sea pearl ring in platinum as a push present (Guess who made them?). I love this set and wear them on a regular basis. However, I am planning on giving them to my daughter on her wedding day. (Of course, I will then get bigger ones!).
Yes, we all can’t live without our electronics, and we do love going out to celebrate events, but nothing is as timeless as precious heirloom jewelry to capture memories and to pass down to generations. We are always humbled when asked to create beautiful pieces to commemorate the many wonderful events our clients celebrate in life. Here are some pieces we created for baby births, wedding presents, anniversaries and birthdays.
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